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All events will be paired with education on marine life, and preservation with our partnering organizations Surfrider Foundation, AWSC, Center for Coastal Studies, and CARE for Cape and Islands.  All events occur on the Saturday with Sunday as the rain date.

Stay tuned for details.

June 16th

Beyond the Bounds and Jean Appolon Expressions

Annual Fundraiser at Devil’s Purse Brewery
Time: 06:00 PM – 08:00 PM
Location: Devils Purse Brewery 

Join Derek Derbin, and other Beyond the Bounds collaborators of an evening of drinks, socializing, and music.

July 13th

Mairead Nesbitt
Mairead Nesbitt
Time: 06:00 PM
Location: Nauset Light Beach, Eastham

Open the season with World Class Celtic Violinist Mairead Nesbitt and Singer/Electronic Producer Avanti Singh. Enjoy music, food, drinks and the ocean! Partners and pre-show activities with Surfrider Foundation and Atlantic White Shark Conservancy. More details coming soon.

August 3rd

native land logo

Bianca Merkley, Estefania Nunez, and Cape Cod Ocean Community
06:00 PM
Location: Marconi Beach, Wellfleet

Beyond the Bounds welcomes Bianca Merkley and Cuban/Latin musician Estefania Nunez! If you haven’t checked Bianca out you definitely need to! Bianca Merkley is a Boise based singer-songwriter, a music therapist, a mother of four youngsters and a former resident of the East Coast. Bianca and Naomi wrote and recorded an album together in 2011 in NYC and have a mutual love of building community together through storytelling, and learning the lessons nature has to teach us. Bianca’s voice has been described as unique, sultry and even soothing. Her song lyrics evoke a sense of hope and meaning and you will not be disappointed! We are thrilled to welcome Estefania and Bianca for our second show of the season! Pre-show talk with Heather from Cape Cod Ocean Community and how to co-habitat safely with the sharks/ learning about myths and facts, starting at 5:30PM. Drinks and snacks available. Bring your beach chairs, towels and bug spray and see you soon!

September 14th

Closing Event: Celebrate the Waters Festival in collaboration with Orleans Pond Coalition present Mike Block and Birba Union
Time: 06:00 PM
Location: Nauset Beach, Orleans

This will be a night you do not want to miss! Come join Beyond the Bounds, Silk Road Ensembles” Mike Block, and the Orleans Pond Coalition’s Celebrate the Waters Festival. There will be music, food, drinks and a bonfire. Come close the season with a bang! More details coming soon.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Booking